Friday, January 8, 2010

How do you wash indoor walls?

Every time I try to use a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser on my walls, I get streaks where the dirt/ dust came off and where it didn't. I tried using a white cloth to wash my walls, and that did the same thing: streaks. Before we moved in 6 months ago, the landlord remodeled the house and cut wood and drywall in the house and never cleaned up or washed the walls. They're painted white, and they look yellow from all of the saw dust and dirt.

So how do you wash your walls without leaving streaks that you can see in certain light?How do you wash indoor walls?
Use 409 cleaner and a clean cloth you must rinse it often then you need to wipe it again with a clean wet rag and dry it. allot of work but it looks nice. I have a bucket of clean water and a separate rag for the rinsing part and change it often.

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